How Much is a Metal Detector

How Much is a Metal Detector

You’ve probably seen them on TV and in movies: people running around fields, beaches, and parks looking at the ground, trying to find that one spot that will yield a treasure. It’s such a tempting fantasy, isn’t it? But does it really work? Can you really find gold coins and lost jewelry using just your eyes and ears? Well, yes—but not as easily as you might think. Metal detectors can be pretty expensive pieces of equipment (especially if you want something that works well), so here’s everything you need to know before investing in one yourself!

Why Would you Want a Metal Detector?

Metal detectors are used to search for treasure, lost items and other metal objects. They can also be used to find buried cable and pipes, as well as metal in the soil. Metal detectors are also useful for searching in water or air for lost items or buried cables/pipes. Metal detectors have a wide range of applications including archaeology, firefighting, law enforcement and various industrial uses such as detecting landmines or explosives.

How Much is a Metal Detector?

Metal detectors can be an expensive hobby. There are all types of metal detectors out there and it can be hard to tell which one is right for you without trying them out first.

There are a number of factors which determine the price of a metal detector. The most important factor is the size and weight of the unit, as well as its features and functions.

A small handheld detector can cost anywhere from $30 to $60, while a large walk-through model will be priced somewhere between $100 and $2000 or more.

Other factors that influence the price include whether or not it is waterproof or water resistant, how much power it has (how deep it can detect objects), and how many accessories come with it (the more accessories included in the package, the higher the price).

How to Choose the Best Metal Detector for you?

Choosing the best metal detector for you is a matter of determining your own needs, and then comparing them to the capabilities of each model on the market.

As with any product, there are plenty of factors to consider before making a purchase. Are you simply looking for something fun to do with family and friends on the beach or in your backyard? Or are you looking for something that can help supplement your income as an amateur treasure hunter? Do you want one that’s easy enough for kids and adults alike, or one that will challenge even experienced users? These are just some of the questions that need answering when considering what type of metal detector is right for you.

There are several different types available today. Some work well in dry climates while others require more moisture to work at peak performance levels (wet sand). Some units can be used under water while others cannot; if this feature is important then make sure it’s listed in specifications before making a choice because most manufacturers won’t tell consumers how far down their product goes without being asked specifically about such matters prior purchase date due diligence period (DPP).

You may also want to check our metal detectors review.

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  2. For Kids
  3. For Gold Nuggets
  4. Under Water Metal Detector
  5. Cheap Metal Detector
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  7. Metal Detector for Beach

Is a Metal Detector Worth it?

The answer to the question Is a Metal Detector Worth ItYES

A metal detector is a great investment for anyone looking to have a fun time and learn about their surroundings. They can be used for so many different purposes, such as:

  • Searching for lost items
  • Looking at historical artifacts
  • Getting exercise (if you’re into that sort of thing)

Let’s look at some pros and cons of buying a metal detector first.


Metal detectors can be used to find lost jewelry or other valuables that would otherwise remain hidden forever under the ground. They’re also great for finding buried treasure—whether it’s pirate gold or just a few old coins—and they’re fun! If nothing else, they’ll give you something else to do on those long summer days when everyone else is playing video games or hanging out at the beach.


Metal detectors aren’t cheap; most cost between $100, $200, $1000 or even a whopping $31,000 (though there are some exceptions). They also require batteries (if wireless) or electricity.

Metal detectors are also a good way to spend time with family and friends in the outdoors. The best part about them is that they’re easy to use!

Types Of Metal Detectors

There are many types of metal detectors, but they all have one thing in common: they help you find the things you want to find.

The most common type is a hand-held detector that can be used to detect metals in the ground. They’re great for detecting coins, jewelry, and other small objects that have fallen out of sight.

A pinpointer is a small tool that helps you locate small, lost items. It has a needle-like probe that can be used in your hand or attached to a remote control.

A coin detector is designed to find coins, jewelry and other valuable items in the ground. It works by emitting electromagnetic waves through the ground, which return as different signals based on what is underneath them.

Waterproof: These detectors can be used in shallow or deep water. They come with a built-in battery or power cord and are often used by treasure hunters at the beach or underwater.

A relic detector can be used to find old coins and other objects from previous generations. Relic detectors use an electromagnetic field similar to those used by coin detectors; however, relic detectors use lower frequencies that are better suited for finding older objects buried deeper in the ground than modern coins would be.

How Much does the Average Metal Detector cost?

As mentioned earlier, the average metal detector price is between $100 and $200, depending on what you want to do with it. If you’re just looking for something to find coins at the park or beach, then a basic model will be enough. On the other hand, if you’re trying to find gold nuggets in your backyard, then there’s no way around spending at least $500-$1000 on a more professional model.

The cost also depends on which brand of metal detector you choose to purchase and where in the world you live. For example, in Canada (where I live), prices tend to be slightly higher than they are in America because we charge taxes on imports from outside of our country—so when an American company sells their product directly into Canada without adding these charges onto their selling price, this creates an arbitrage opportunity for Canadians who want access but don’t want to pay extra taxes!


So, how much is a metal detector? It depends on what kind of detector you want and where you’re planning to use it. If you just need something to find coins in your backyard or at the beach, then an inexpensive model will probably do just fine. But if you want something more advanced that can help uncover valuable artifacts at sites around the world—or even underwater—then expect to spend anywhere from hundreds of dollars up into the thousands. That said, there are plenty of options out there for every budget!

By Metal Hunting Team

Your premier resource for all things metal detecting and treasure hunting, created by avid hobbyists for fellow enthusiasts. Dive into a trove of insights, tips, and discoveries with us!

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