The History of Metal Detector

The History of Metal Detector

The history of metal detector is an interesting one. Metal detectors were first invented in the 1800s by a physician named Alexander Graham Bell. He was trying to come up with a device that could be used to locate bullets in soldiers who had been wounded during battle, and he eventually came up with a primitive kind of metal detector that worked by using electromagnetic induction principles. Bell’s first metal detector was powered by batteries and sent out an electrical current through coils of wire wrapped around various parts of the body that could be damaged by bullets or shrapnel. The current would pass through any metallic objects inside the body (such as bullets) and create interference which would then cause different readings on a receiver next to where the transmitter coil was placed on the outside body part being examined.

Who is Gerhard Fischer?

Gerhard Fischer, a German engineer and inventor, invented the first metal detector in 1935. He used it to find valuable metals and later sold the rights to his invention to the German Navy. The German Navy used this new technology to locate parts of sunken ships during World War II.

Before his device was patented, Fischer put it to use at local cemeteries and other places where he could find lost items. It helped him recover some of the cemetery’s valuables, including coins and jewelry; however, as you can imagine this wasn’t very well received by those who were buried there.

Fischer continued to improve on the device, making it more compact and portable so that it could be used by anyone. He also added features like depth indicators, which helped people know how deep they had to dig in order to find what they were looking for. Fischer’s metal detector was the first model of its kind, but there were still many improvements to be made. It wasn’t until over 20 years later that another inventor, a U.S. Air Force officer named Elmer Keith, created his own version of a metal detector after seeing how much better it was than other detection devices at the time.

When Did Metal Detectors Become Popular?

Metal detectors are a relatively new invention, having been invented in the 1930s. Since then, many types of metal detectors have been created, some with more advanced features than others.

Alexander Graham Bell invented an early form of a metal detector called the “coherer,” which was used to detect radio signals and other electromagnetic waves. However, it was not until the 1940s that industrial-grade metal detectors were produced for mineral prospecting and other industrial purposes. These were followed by military versions used during World War II (1939−1945).

In the 1960s, the first industrial metal detectors were produced for airport security systems across Europe and North America; Germany was the first country to use them for airport security during this time period. Today they’re used at airports worldwide as well as in museums and other public areas where theft has been reported frequently before being replaced by newer models designed specifically for each location type (e.g., schools).

Many people like to use metal detectors because they’re fun, but there are also many reasons why you might need one. A good reason would be if you’re looking for something that was lost on your property or nearby a building where a lot of people come through all day long. Metal detectors can also be used by law enforcement officers when looking for evidence related to crimes such as murder cases where bodies could have been buried underground without anyone knowing about it until now!

Metal Detectors are a Great Way to Find Treasure

Metal detectors are a great way to find treasure! Treasure hunters and archaeologists use metal detectors to find buried objects. Archaeologists use metal detectors in archaeology.

Researchers have used metal detectors for centuries to explore Earth’s surface for buried objects, but only recently have scientists developed sophisticated devices that can produce detailed images of the underground landscape.

Metal detectors work by using electromagnetic fields to locate buried objects. They work by sending out a pulse of energy and then listening for the reflected signal.


And there you have it! The history of metal detectors. Today, we have a wide variety of different types of machines available for purchase. There are also many different uses for metal detectors, such as archaeology or treasure hunting. Whatever your needs may be, there’s probably a machine out there that will suit them perfectly!

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