Can You Metal Detect in Winter?

You absolutely can metal detect in the winter.

As long as you take a few precautions, you’ll be just fine.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that your detector is waterproof. If it’s not, make sure that it’s covered by snow without getting wet. If there’s enough snow on top of it to keep it dry, then you should be fine.

If your detector isn’t waterproof, then it will probably start freezing up in the cold weather and stop working properly (or at all).

Benefits and Disadvantages

There are many benefits to metal detecting in the winter. One of the biggest is that you will have fewer people and hunters looking for treasure in your area. Another benefit is that cold weather tends to keep people inside where they are less likely to be looking at their phones or reading articles on their computer. However, there are some disadvantages as well. For example, cold weather has a negative impact on batteries so it’s important to make sure you have spares in case something goes wrong with your detector battery during an outing.

Does Cold Weather Affect Metal Detectors?

It depends on the type of metal detector you’re using.

If you’ve got a high-end model, then no, it won’t be affected by weather. However, if you’re a hobbyist or casual treasure hunter, then yes—cold weather will affect your metal detector’s performance.

The reason for this is that different types of metal detectors work at different frequencies. Some operate at higher frequencies (like the military models), while others work at lower frequencies.

And cold weather can affect the signals that are transmitted by these detectors. That means that if you’re hunting in cold weather, you might get more false positives and less accurate readings than normal.

How Do you use a Metal Detector in the Snow?

To use your metal detector in the snow, we recommend that you first clear away all of the snow from the area you want to search. Then, set up your metal detector and turn it on. Make sure that it is in the correct mode for detecting metals in snow (usually this will be “all metal”).

Once you’re ready to start searching, slowly sweep your detector over the surface of the ground in front of you until you find some metal objects. Once they are detected, they will make a loud noise and/or flash light. Be sure to dig up these objects carefully so as not to damage them or yourself!

Where are the Best Places to Metal Detect During Winter Season?

Winter is a great time to metal detect, but it can be hard to find places that are open to digging.

We’ve put together a list of our favorite places to metal detect during wintertime.

  1. Your backyard: This is where you’ll find the most valuable finds, because you know so much about it already.
  2. The beach: You don’t have to worry about the sand being too deep or the water being too cold, and you can always take your finds home with you.
  3. A park: Parks are usually free and open to the public during winter months, which makes them ideal for metal detecting.

What Metal Detector Should you use in Winter?

If you’re a metal detectorist, you might be wondering what metal detector to use in winter. With the cold and snow outside, it can be hard to find time to hunt for treasure—or even just play around with your new toy.

Fortunately, there are plenty of options out there for people who want to get out in the elements. If you’re ready to start hunting for gold or coins, here are some tips for choosing a metal detector that will work well during the winter months:

Look for waterproof models – If you’re going to hunt in wet conditions, make sure that the metal detector you buy is waterproof or water resistant. This will help keep your device from shorting out on you during a big storm or heavy rain.

Consider buying two detectors – If you want to stay warm while hunting, consider buying two detectors: one for yourself and one for your friend or significant other! That way, if one person gets too cold and has to stop looking for treasure, they’ll have something fun to do while their partner stays warm in their car or tent with their own device.

We recommend Fisher f44, Garrett AT MAX Waterproof Metal Detector, and Garret Ace 300.

Reminders Before Going Metal Detecting

Winter is a great time to go metal detecting, but it can also be very challenging. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your search during winter months:

Dress Warmly

You don’t want to get too cold, so make sure you dress in layers. If you’re out in the snow or rain, waterproof clothing is a must!

Bring a Friend

Metal detecting can be really fun, but it can also be dangerous if you’re alone. Make sure you have someone with you at all times so that if something goes wrong (like if you get lost or hurt), they can help you out!

Bring Food and Water

You don’t want to get dehydrated when you’re out on the hunt, so make sure you bring plenty of water and snacks along with you!

Invest in a Good Pair of Gloves

Gloves are not only useful when trying on clothes (if they fit), but also when trying on metal detectors!


The truth is, it’s easy to get discouraged by the cold and dark of winter. But if you’re a fan of detecting, then you know the benefits outweigh any disadvantages. It’s not just about finding money or other valuables; it’s also about training yourself to be able to detect any time of year—including when others aren’t looking. And if you can do that, then there really isn’t anything stopping you from finding valuable items or treasure anywhere in the world!

By Metal Hunting Team

Your premier resource for all things metal detecting and treasure hunting, created by avid hobbyists for fellow enthusiasts. Dive into a trove of insights, tips, and discoveries with us!

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